Friday, October 06, 2006


What time of year is it?

It's Florida property tax news time. From August through November, newspaper real estate editors, business columnists, and journalists looking for topics of popular interest turn to property taxes for these four months of the year.

Why? I'll tell you why. During these four months, all 67 county property appraisers in Florida send out all their notices of proposed taxes--for each of the millions of parcels of real estate and tangible personal property--to every property owner; 67 county value adjustment boards receive between 0 and 40,000 petitions for tax appeals each; the property appraisers rspond to taxpayer inquiries; real and tangible tax rolls are certified by the property appraiser to the tax collector for collection; the tax collector sends out a bill for every parcel, and begins the collection process, starting in November, the month during which payments received garner a 4% discount.

So, from time to time between now and November, we will be featuring topics in Florida property tax news which attract the attention of the taxpaying public, and of those journailsts who write for that public.

While you're waiting for the first installment from Florida property tax news to be broadcast from this blog, take a moment to peruse my comments and the keen analytical reportage of the real estate editor of The Miami Herald in the article to which we provide a link below, titled "Property Taxes Crimp Affordability of Homes."

click here

Daniel A. Weiss is a former Attorney Special Master for the Miami-Dade County Value Adjustment Board. Mr. Weiss now represents commercial, institutional charitable, commercial, high-end residential, agricultural and municipal taxpayers at VAB proceedings throughout the State of Florida. Mr. Weiss handles both valuation and legal claims.

Mr. Weiss has over 25 years property tax experience. Mr. Weiss represented the Miami-Dade County taxing authorities in litigation and appeals between 1981 and 1995 as a Miami-Dade Assistant County Attorney and has since represented taxpayers in property tax matters.

Mr. Weiss appears as one of Florida's Super Lawyers 2006 in the publication of the same name. He was named by his peers as one of the top 6 local government lawyers in South Florida.

In Florida Trend magazine™'s Legal Elite's issue, July 2004, Mr. Weiss was selected by his peers as one of the top 30 government lawyers in the State of Florida.

For a free consultation regarding your property, contact us.

For More Information Click here

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